200 Unique Islamic Baby Names

Islamic Baby Names

Following are 200 unique and beautiful Islamic baby Names for you

Aaliyah (عالية) – Exalted, Noble

Aasim (عاصم) – Protector, Guardian

Aisha (عائشة) – Alive, Living, Prosperous

Akram (أكرم) – Most Generous

Amira (أميرة) – Princess, Leader

Ammar (عمار) – Builder, Long-Lived

Anas (أنس) – Friendly, Affectionate

Arwa (أروى) – Mountain Goat, Gracefulness

Asad (أسد) – Lion, Brave

Aya (آية) – Sign, Miracle

Azhar (أزهر) – Luminous, Radiant

Bilal (بلال) – Moist, Water

Dania (دانية) – Close, Near

Ehsan (إحسان) – Perfection, Excellence

Faheem (فهيم) – Intelligent, Understanding

Farah (فرح) – Joy, Happiness

Faris (فارس) – Knight, Horseman

Fatimah (فاطمة) – One who abstains, Daughter of the Prophet

Ghazi (غازي) – Warrior, Conqueror

Hadi (هادي) – Guide, Leader

Hafsa (حفصة) – Gathering, Young Lioness

Hanan (حنان) – Compassion, Tenderness

Haris (حارس) – Guardian, Protector

Hasan (حسن) – Handsome, Good

Huda (هدى) – Guidance, Right Path

Ibrahim (إبراهيم) – Name of a Prophet

Imran (عمران) – Prosperity, Name of a Prophet’s Father

Inaya (عناية) – Care, Concern

Iqra (اقرأ) – Read, Recite

Isa (عيسى) – Jesus, Name of a Prophet

Ishaq (إسحاق) – Isaac, Name of a Prophet

Jafar (جعفر) – Stream, River

Jameela (جميلة) – Beautiful

Jawad (جواد) – Generous, Noble

Kamal (كمال) – Perfection, Excellence

Karim (كريم) – Generous, Noble

Khalid (خالد) – Eternal, Immortal

Laila (ليلى) – Night, Dark Beauty

Layth (ليث) – Lion, Brave

Lina (لينة) – Tender, Soft

Lubna (لبنى) – A Tree, Elegant

Mahdi (مهدي) – Guided One

Malik (مالك) – King, Master

Maryam (مريم) – Mary, Mother of Jesus

Mazin (مازن) – Rain Cloud, Enlightened

Mehdi (مهدي) – Guided to the Right Path

Mira (ميرة) – Provisions, Food for Journey

Mohammed (محمد) – Praised, Name of the Prophet

Mousa (موسى) – Moses, Name of a Prophet

Muna (منى) – Wish, Desire

Mustafa (مصطفى) – Chosen, Selected

Nabeel (نبيل) – Noble, Honorable

Nadia (نادية) – Caller, Announcer

Nasir (ناصر) – Helper, Supporter

Nawal (نوال) – Gift, Blessing

Nida (نداء) – Call, Voice

Noor (نور) – Light, Radiance

Omar (عمر) – Flourishing, Long-Lived

Qasim (قاسم) – Divider, Distributor

Rafeeq (رفيق) – Friend, Companion

Rahim (رحيم) – Merciful, Compassionate

Rania (رانية) – Gazing, Queenly

Rashid (رشيد) – Rightly Guided, Intelligent

Razan (رزان) – Composed, Dignified

Reem (ريم) – Gazelle, Pure

Ruqayya (رقية) – Gentle, Soft-Spoken

Saad (سعد) – Happiness, Good Fortune

Safa (صفاء) – Purity, Serenity

Safiya (صفية) – Pure, Best Friend

Salim (سليم) – Safe, Unharmed

Salma (سلمى) – Peaceful, Safe

Sara (سارة) – Princess, Pure

Sayed (سيد) – Master, Leader

Shahira (شهيرة) – Famous, Well-Known

Shams (شمس) – Sun, Radiant

Sumayya (سمية) – High, Exalted

Suhail (سهيل) – Gentle, Easy-going

Sultan (سلطان) – Ruler, King

Taha (طه) – Name of a Prophet, Pure

Tariq (طارق) – Morning Star, Knocker

Tayyib (طيب) – Good, Kind

Umar (عمر) – Long-Lived, Life

Usman (عثمان) – Wise, Name of a Companion

Wafa (وفاء) – Loyalty, Faithfulness

Waleed (وليد) – Newborn, Fresh

Yahya (يحيى) – John, Name of a Prophet

Yasmin (ياسمين) – Jasmine Flower

Yousuf (يوسف) – Joseph, Name of a Prophet

Zahid (زاهد) – Ascetic, Pious

Zainab (زينب) – Fragrant Flower, Name of the Prophet’s Daughter

Zaki (زكي) – Pure, Chaste

Zayn (زين) – Beauty, Grace

Ziyad (زياد) – Abundance, Growth

Zubair (زبير) – Strong, Intelligent

Zuhair (زهير) – Bright, Blossoming

Zunaira (زنايرة) – Flower in Paradise

Zaynab (زينب) – Fragrant Flower, Name of Prophet’s Daughter

Aariz (عارض) – Respectable Man

Abrar (أبرار) – Righteous, Virtuous

Afra (أفرا) – White, Kind of Dove

Aafiya (عافية) – Health, Free from Illness

Aaira (عائرة) – Noble, Honorable

Aasiyah (آسية) – One who tends to the weak, Pharaoh’s Wife

Aban (أبان) – Clear, Lucid

Abdul Basit (عبد الباسط) – Servant of the Extender

Abdul Hadi (عبد الهادي) – Servant of the Guide

Abdul Lateef (عبد اللطيف) – Servant of the Gentle

Adeel (عديل) – Just, Honest

Adib (أديب) – Cultured, Well-Mannered

Adnan (عدنان) – Settler, Pioneer

Afnaan (أفنان) – Branches, Blossoms

Ahmad (أحمد) – Highly Praised

Aiman (أيمن) – Blessed, Right-Handed

Akif (عاكف) – Devoted, Dedicated

Alia (علياء) – High, Lofty

Alim (عليم) – Knowledgeable, Wise

Alisha (اليشا) – Protected by God

Amal (أمل) – Hope, Aspiration

Ammara (عمارة) – One who gives life, Builder

Anwar (أنور) – Luminous, Radiant

Areeb (أريب) – Skillful, Intelligent

Asma (أسماء) – Exalted, High

Atif (عاطف) – Kind, Compassionate

Ayaan (أيان) – God’s Gift

Ayoub (أيوب) – Job, Name of a Prophet

Aziz (عزيز) – Powerful, Dear

Badar (بدر) – Full Moon

Bashir (بشير) – Bringer of Good News

Basim (باسم) – Smiling, Happy

Burhan (برهان) – Proof, Evidence

Dawood (داود) – David, Name of a Prophet

Dina (دينا) – Faith, Religion

Eeman (إيمان) – Faith, Belief

Eshaal (إيشال) – To kindle, To ignite

Fadl (فضل) – Grace, Favor

Fahad (فهد) – Leopard, Panther

Fahima (فاهيمة) – Intelligent, Keen

Farida (فريدة) – Unique, Precious

Fatir (فاطر) – Creator

Fawad (فؤاد) – Heart, Soul

Fida (فداء) – Sacrifice, Redemption

Firdaus (فردوس) – Paradise

Ghufran (غفران) – Forgiveness, Pardon

Habib (حبيب) – Beloved, Dear

Haleema (حليمة) – Gentle, Patient

Hamdan (حمدان) – Praising, Thankful

Hassan (حسن) – Beautiful, Handsome

Hayat (حياة) – Life

Heba (هبة) – Gift, Blessing

Hind (هند) – Old Arabic Tribe Name

Ibtisam (ابتسام) – Smile

Idris (إدريس) – Name of a Prophet

Iffat (عفت) – Chastity, Purity

Ilham (إلهام) – Inspiration

Imtiaz (امتياز) – Distinction, Excellence

Iram (إرم) – Garden in Heaven

Ishrat (عِشْرَت) – Happiness, Intimacy

Ismail (إسماعيل) – Name of a Prophet

Jabir (جابر) – Comforter, Consoler

Jalal (جلال) – Majesty, Grandeur

Jibril (جبريل) – Gabriel, Angel of Revelation

Kadeem (قديم) – Servant, Ancient

Kais (قيس) – Firm, Resolute

Kauthar (كوثر) – River in Paradise, Abundance

Khadeeja (خديجة) – Early Baby, Name of Prophet’s First Wife

Khair (خير) – Goodness, Benevolence

Khalil (خليل) – Friend, Confidant

Labeeb (لبيب) – Sensible, Intelligent

Lama (لمى) – Dark Lips, Kind

Latifa (لطيفة) – Gentle, Kind

Luqman (لقمان) – Name of a Wise Man, Wise

Maira (مايرة) – Moon, Light

Maisha (مايشا) – Life, Living

Majeed (مجيد) – Glorious, Noble

Malika (ملكة) – Queen

Marwan (مروان) – Old Arabic Name

Mawadda (مودة) – Affection, Love

Mazhar (مظهر) – Appearance, Manifestation

Mubarak (مبارك) – Blessed, Fortunate

Muaz (معاذ) – Protected, Guarded

Mujahid (مجاهد) – Fighter, Warrior for a Cause

Munir (منير) – Bright, Shining

Nabeela (نبيلة) – Noble, Generous

Nadim (نديم) – Friend, Companion

Nahla (نهلة) – A Drink, First Drink of Water

Najib (نجيب) – Noble, Highborn

Najwa (نجوى) – Secret Conversation, Whisper

Nauman (نعمان) – Blossom, Flower

Nayla (نايلة) – Acquirer, Winner

Nimra (نِمْرة) – Pure, Soft

Nooruddin (نور الدين) – Light of the Religion

Qadir (قادر) – Powerful, Capable

Qamar (قمر) – Moon

Qasim (قاسم) – One who Distributes

Rafi (رفيع) – High, Exalted

Rahmat (رحمة) – Mercy, Compassion

Raif (رائف) – Merciful, Kind

Rami (رامي) – Archer, Marksman

Rana (رنا) – Gaze, Look

Saima (صائمة) – Fasting, Woman who Fasts

Also, read All Rakats in All Namaz: A Step-by-Step Guide

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