99 Names of Allah
Following are the 99 names of Allah in Arabic, with English translation and transliteration.
- ٱلرَّحْمَٰنُ
- Ar-Rahmān (The Beneficent)
- Transliteration: Ar-Rahman
- ٱلرَّحِيمُ
- Ar-Rahīm (The Merciful)
- Transliteration: Ar-Raheem
- ٱلْمَلِكُ
- Al-Malik (The King)
- Transliteration: Al-Malik
- ٱلْقُدُّوسُ
- Al-Quddūs (The Holy)
- Transliteration: Al-Quddus
- ٱلسَّلَامُ
- As-Salām (The Source of Peace)
- Transliteration: As-Salam
- ٱلْمُؤْمِنُ
- Al-Mu’min (The Giver of Faith)
- Transliteration: Al-Mu’min
- ٱلْمُهَيْمِنُ
- Al-Muhaymin (The Protector)
- Transliteration: Al-Muhaymin
- ٱلْعَزِيزُ
- Al-‘Azīz (The Almighty)
- Transliteration: Al-Aziz
- ٱلْجَبَّارُ
- Al-Jabbār (The Compeller)
- Transliteration: Al-Jabbar
- ٱلْمُتَكَبِّرُ
- Al-Mutakabbir (The Majestic)
- Transliteration: Al-Mutakabbir
- ٱلْخَالِقُ
- Al-Khāliq (The Creator)
- Transliteration: Al-Khaliq
- ٱلْبَارِئُ
- Al-Bāri’ (The Evolver)
- Transliteration: Al-Bari’
- ٱلْمُصَوِّرُ
- Al-Muṣawwir (The Fashioner)
- Transliteration: Al-Musawwir
- ٱلْغَفَّارُ
- Al-Ghaffār (The Forgiver)
- Transliteration: Al-Ghaffar
- ٱلْقَهَّارُ
- Al-Qahhār (The Subduer)
- Transliteration: Al-Qahhar
- ٱلْوَهَّابُ
- Al-Wahhāb (The Bestower)
- Transliteration: Al-Wahhab
- ٱلرَّزَّاقُ
- Ar-Razzāq (The Provider)
- Transliteration: Ar-Razzaq
- ٱلْفَتَّاحُ
- Al-Fattāḥ (The Opener)
- Transliteration: Al-Fattah
- ٱلْعَلِيمُ
- Al-‘Alīm (The All-Knowing)
- Transliteration: Al-‘Aleem
- ٱلْقَابِضُ
- Al-Qābiḍ (The Constrictor)
- Transliteration: Al-Qabid
- ٱلْبَاسِطُ
- Al-Bāsiṭ (The Reliever)
- Transliteration: Al-Basit
- ٱلْخَافِضُ
- Al-Khāfiḍ (The Abaser)
- Transliteration: Al-Khafidh
- ٱلرَّافِعُ
- Ar-Rāfiʿ (The Exalter)
- Transliteration: Ar-Rafi’
- ٱلْمُعِزُّ
- Al-Muʿizz (The Giver of Honor)
- Transliteration: Al-Mu’izz
- ٱلْمُذِلُّ
- Al-Mudhill (The Giver of Dishonor)
- Transliteration: Al-Mudhill
- ٱلسَّمِيعُ
- As-Samīʿ (The All-Hearing)
- Transliteration: As-Sami’
- ٱلْبَصِيرُ
- Al-Baṣīr (The All-Seeing)
- Transliteration: Al-Basir
- ٱلْحَكَمُ
- Al-Ḥakam (The Judge)
- Transliteration: Al-Hakam
- ٱلْعَدْلُ
- Al-‘Adl (The Just)
- Transliteration: Al-‘Adl
- ٱللَّطِيفُ
- Al-Laṭīf (The Subtle)
- Transliteration: Al-Latif
- ٱلْخَبِيرُ
- Al-Khabīr (The All-Aware)
- Transliteration: Al-Khabir
- ٱلْحَلِيمُ
- Al-Ḥalīm (The Forbearing)
- Transliteration: Al-Halim
- ٱلْعَظِيمُ
- Al-‘Aẓīm (The Magnificent)
- Transliteration: Al-‘Azim
- ٱلْغَفُورُ
- Al-Ghafūr (The Great Forgiver)
- Transliteration: Al-Ghafur
- ٱلشَّكُورُ
- Ash-Shakūr (The Most Appreciative)
- Transliteration: Ash-Shakur
- ٱلْعَلِيُّ
- Al-‘Alī (The Most High)
- Transliteration: Al-‘Ali
- ٱلْكَبِيرُ
- Al-Kabīr (The Most Great)
- Transliteration: Al-Kabir
- ٱلْحَفِيظُ
- Al-Ḥafīẓ (The Preserver)
- Transliteration: Al-Hafidh
- ٱلْمُقِيتُ
- Al-Muqīt (The Sustainer)
- Transliteration: Al-Muqit
- ٱلْحَسِيبُ
- Al-Ḥasīb (The Reckoner)
- Transliteration: Al-Hasib
- ٱلْجَلِيلُ
- Al-Jalīl (The Majestic)
- Transliteration: Al-Jalil
- ٱلْكَرِيمُ
- Al-Karīm (The Most Generous)
- Transliteration: Al-Karim
- ٱلرَّقِيبُ
- Ar-Raqīb (The Watchful)
- Transliteration: Ar-Raqib
- ٱلْمُجِيبُ
- Al-Mujīb (The Responsive)
- Transliteration: Al-Mujib
- ٱلْوَاسِعُ
- Al-Wāsiʿ (The All-Encompassing)
- Transliteration: Al-Wasi’
- ٱلْحَكِيمُ
- Al-Ḥakīm (The Wise)
- Transliteration: Al-Hakim
- ٱلْوَدُودُ
- Al-Wadūd (The Most Loving)
- Transliteration: Al-Wadud
- ٱلْمَجِيدُ
- Al-Majīd (The Glorious)
- Transliteration: Al-Majid
- ٱلْبَاعِثُ
- Al-Bāʿith (The Resurrector)
- Transliteration: Al-Ba’ith
- ٱلشَّهِيدُ
- Ash-Shahīd (The Witness)
- Transliteration: Ash-Shahid
- ٱلْحَقُ
- Al-Ḥaqq (The Truth)
- Transliteration: Al-Haqq
- ٱلْوَكِيلُ
- Al-Wakīl (The Trustee)
- Transliteration: Al-Wakil
- ٱلْقَوِيُّ
- Al-Qawī (The Most Strong)
- Transliteration: Al-Qawiyy
- ٱلْمَتِينُ
- Al-Matīn (The Firm)
- Transliteration: Al-Matin
- ٱلْوَلِيُّ
- Al-Walī (The Protecting Friend)
- Transliteration: Al-Wali
- ٱلْحَمِيدُ
- Al-Ḥamīd (The Praiseworthy)
- Transliteration: Al-Hamid
- ٱلْمُحْصِي
- Al-Muḥṣī (The All-Enumerating)
- Transliteration: Al-Muhsi
- ٱلْمُبْدِئُ
- Al-Mubdi’ (The Originator)
- Transliteration: Al-Mubdi’
- ٱلْمُعِيدُ
- Al-Muʿīd (The Restorer)
- Transliteration: Al-Mu’id
- ٱلْمُحْيِي
- Al-Muḥyī (The Giver of Life)
- Transliteration: Al-Muhyi
- ٱلْمُمِيتُ
- Al-Mumīt (The Creator of Death)
- Transliteration: Al-Mumit
- ٱلْحَيُّ
- Al-Ḥayy (The Ever-Living)
- Transliteration: Al-Hayy
- ٱلْقَيُّومُ
- Al-Qayyūm (The Self-Subsisting)
- Transliteration: Al-Qayyum
- ٱلْوَاجِدُ
- Al-Wājid (The Perceiver)
- Transliteration: Al-Wajid
- ٱلْمَاجِدُ
- Al-Mājid (The Illustrious)
- Transliteration: Al-Majid
- ٱلْواحِدُ
- Al-Wāḥid (The One)
- Transliteration: Al-Wahid
- ٱلْأَحَدُ
- Al-Aḥad (The Unique)
- Transliteration: Al-Ahad
- ٱلصَّمَدُ
- As-Ṣamad (The Eternal)
- Transliteration: As-Samad
- ٱلْقَادِرُ
- Al-Qādir (The Omnipotent)
- Transliteration: Al-Qadir
- ٱلْمُقْتَدِرُ
- Al-Muqtadir (The All-Powerful)
- Transliteration: Al-Muqtadir
- ٱلْمُقَدِّمُ
- Al-Muqaddim (The Expediter)
- Transliteration: Al-Muqaddim
- ٱلْمُؤَخِّرُ
- Al-Muʾakhkhir (The Delayer)
- Transliteration: Al-Mu’akhkhir
- ٱلأوَّلُ
- Al-Awwal (The First)
- Transliteration: Al-Awwal
- ٱلْآخِرُ
- Al-Ākhir (The Last)
- Transliteration: Al-Akhir
- ٱلظَّاهِرُ
- Aẓ-Ẓāhir (The Manifest)
- Transliteration: Az-Zahir
- ٱلْبَاطِنُ
- Al-Bāṭin (The Hidden)
- Transliteration: Al-Batin
- ٱلْوَالِي
- Al-Wālī (The Sole Governor)
- Transliteration: Al-Wali
- ٱلْمُتَعَالِي
- Al-Mutaʿālī (The Self-Exalted)
- Transliteration: Al-Muta’ali
- ٱلْبَرُ
- Al-Barr (The Source of All Goodness)
- Transliteration: Al-Barr
- ٱلتَّوَابُ
- At-Tawwāb (The Ever-Acceptor of Repentance)
- Transliteration: At-Tawwab
- ٱلْمُنْتَقِمُ
- Al-Muntaqim (The Avenger)
- Transliteration: Al-Muntaqim
- ٱلْعَفُوُ
- Al-ʿAfuww (The Pardoner)
- Transliteration: Al-‘Afuww
- ٱلرَّؤُوفُ
- Ar-Raʾūf (The Most Kind)
- Transliteration: Ar-Ra’uf
- مَالِكُ ٱلْمُلْكِ
- Mālika’l-Mulk (Master of the Kingdom)
- Transliteration: Malik-ul-Mulk
- ذُوالْجَلَالِ وَالْإِكْرَامِ
- Dhū-l-Jalāli wa-l-Ikrām (Lord of Glory and Honor)
- Transliteration: Dhul-Jalali wal-Ikram
- ٱلْمُقْسِطُ
- Al-Muqsiṭ (The Just One)
- Transliteration: Al-Muqsit
- ٱلْجَامِعُ
- Al-Jāmiʿ (The Gatherer)
- Transliteration: Al-Jami’
- ٱلْغَنيُّ
- Al-Ghaniyy (The Self-Sufficient)
- Transliteration: Al-Ghaniyy
- ٱلْمُغْنِي
- Al-Mughnī (The Enricher)
- Transliteration: Al-Mughni
- ٱلْمَانِعُ
- Al-Māniʿ (The Withholder)
- Transliteration: Al-Mani’
- ٱلضَّارَّ
- Aḍ-Ḍārr (The Distresser)
- Transliteration: Ad-Darr
- ٱلنَّافِعُ
- An-Nāfiʿ (The Propitious)
- Transliteration: An-Nafi’
- ٱلنُّورُ
- An-Nūr (The Light)
- Transliteration: An-Nur
- ٱلْهَادِي
- Al-Hādī (The Guide)
- Transliteration: Al-Hadi
- ٱلْبَدِيعُ
- Al-Badīʿ (The Incomparable)
- Transliteration: Al-Badi’
- ٱلْبَاقِي
- Al-Bāqī (The Everlasting)
- Transliteration: Al-Baqi
- ٱلْوَارِثُ
- Al-Wārith (The Inheritor)
- Transliteration: Al-Warith
- ٱلرَّشِيدُ
- Ar-Rashīd (The Guide to the Right Path)
- Transliteration: Ar-Rashid
- ٱلصَّبُورُ
- Aṣ-Ṣabūr (The Patient)
- Transliteration: As-Sabur

The 99 Names of Allah, known as “Asma-ul-Husna” (The Most Beautiful Names), are divine attributes that reflect His infinite qualities. In the Qur’an, Allah says, “And to Allah belong the best names, so invoke Him by them” (Surah Al-A’raf, 7:180). These names highlight the multifaceted nature of Allah’s power, mercy, knowledge, and justice, offering believers insights into His supreme majesty and kindness.
Each name has a profound meaning, guiding believers to perceive Allah and approach their faith. For example, “Ar-Rahman” (The Beneficent) and “Ar-Rahim” (The Merciful) emphasize Allah’s boundless mercy, while “Al-Adl” (The Just) points to His perfect justice. These names are often recited in prayers and supplications to seek Allah’s mercy, guidance, and protection.
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) stated in a hadith recorded in Sahih Bukhari: “Allah has ninety-nine names, and whoever memorizes them will enter Paradise” (Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 9, Book 93, Hadith 489). This hadith encourages believers to internalize and reflect upon these names, as knowing and understanding Allah through these attributes enhances one’s spiritual connection and purity. The 99 Names serve as a means of worship and a path to deepening faith and understanding the essence of the Creator.
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